NY VIDEO: Walter Trout feat. Joe Bonamassa – We’re All In This Together

Walter Trout och Provogue Records/Mascot Label Group presenterar en ny musikvideo för hans låt “We’re All In This Together”. I videon ser vi fans från hela världen, som visar bilder från hur de har det i coronapandemins karantän.

I ett meddelande till sina fans skrev Walter: “Alla på vår jord lever i en situation vi aldrig trodde vi skulle behöva uppleva och där miljoner av oss måste hålla oss hemma. Läkare, sjuksköterskor, sjukhusanställda och andra med riskfyllda arbeten riskerar sina liv för att bota de som insjuknat. Vi befinner oss i en tid då vi gemensamt måste kämpa för att utrota detta virus en gång för alla. Jag vill visa att människor jorden runt gör det som de ska för att bekämpa detta virus.” Trout bad om hjälp från sina fans för att göra den här musikvideon. Resultatet ger oss en glimt av vår jords befolkning då vi befinner oss i en utmanande tid. Mycket runtomkring oss och i våra liv har tillfälligt stoppats, för att ge jorden en chans att återhämta sig.

Walters fru Marie skrev också många kloka ord, bland annat: “Live music is therapy, it is joy. Music runs like blood in the veins of humanity. Music has been essential to human wellbeing, togetherness, and strength since long before recorded history began. Music performed live, where the vibrations of the sounds move our bodies as well as our souls, has served as an essential part of our development as homo sapiens. Music was there when we needed courage, when we were going through difficult times, when we needed to understand our world, as well as when we had something to celebrate.

Music performed live communicates feelings in ways words, recorded music, and other activities cannot. Among other things the listeners connect to others and feel a sense of unity, which may intensity the experience. Many music fans claim their connection with the live music scene helps with anxiety and depression. For some, the ritual of feeling bonded with the community in going out to see and hear music is lifesaving. But when we connect online, we have to do so without physical closeness. This means that we have lost access to the experience of losing ourselves to the rhythm along with others. We have lost access to a part of ourselves that only comes out in the darkness of tightly packed rooms where we feel the beat of the music in our gut, put our head back, close our eyes, and allow the majesty of combined sensory experiences to flow through us as we sway with the music. Eventually, society will open up again. Until then, there are no easy answers.

In order to be safer, we have to stay away from each other. It is the right thing to do. Otherwise we could lose millions of people. Some people have shown an alarming degree of lack of social responsibility. Such selfish behavior makes it last longer before we can emerge again from our social isolation. It is perfectly understandable that isolating ourselves and socially distancing is counter to everything that makes us feel understood, feel loved, and feel human. Paradoxically, each of us being isolated and alone is the best and most responsible action we can engage in to get through this as a community. This kind of communal thinking and action is required for us to usher in a new era in which we can once again embrace, celebrate, listen to music, and dance close together with a whole new level of appreciation. The reason we miss experiencing music live, is because we humans need it like we need water, food, and air. It is as simple as that.”


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