
ARCEYE släpper nytt i höst


Brittiska death/thrash metal-bandet ARCEYE släpper den 7 augusti sin andra skiva "At First Light" via Hostile Media.


Brittiska death/thrash metal-bandet ARCEYE släpper den 7 augusti sin andra skiva “At First Light” via Hostile Media.

Skivan följer upp debuten “The Divide Between Chaos & Order”, som fick goda vitsord i Metal Hammer och Terrorizer.

I ett pressmeddelande berättar bandet om nya skivan:

This album we feel we have really trimmed the fat on our songwriting and made it the best it could be! If we didn’t think that it kicked ass it didn’t make the cut! We also stepped up the production value, recording the drums In Foel studios and working with Scott Atkins (Sylosis, Cradle Of Filth, Amon Amarth, Gamma Bomb) on the mix and master. The Meaning of ‘At First Light’ is a representation of where we felt we were as a band when we were writing the album. Since our last release we have gained two new members, both with a writing influence and we’ve developed more of a vision of the music we wanted to play“.

Omslaget, som ni kan skåda nedan, är skapat av bandets trummis Craig Mackay.

Arceye At First Light Artwork

Bandets kommentarer om omslaget:

The album artwork, title and first track tie in together as we wanted this to be our opening statement, with the theme running through the album. The idea behind the name/artwork is that the wolf climbing the mountain is always hungrier than the wolf on top. We feel we have gone through a rebirth as a band and this album is all about the climb to get us on to the next run of the ladder. Our Drummer Craig Mackay did all of the artwork for the album including painting the front cover and all the band portraits in the booklet.”

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Mange Byström

Mange Byström